Dear business partners,
we would like to inform you that there will be a change in the management of GMB Deutsche Magnetwerke GmbH by April 1, 2020. After almost two decades in office, our managing director, Mr. Klaus Ulrich Spies, will slowly prepare for his well-deserved retirement. As his successor, our well experienced and long term technical manager, Mr. Uwe Gruschke will replace him as managing director. We are looking forward to be your reliable business partner in the future too.
Stay loyal to us and most important in the current situation, stay healthy!
Your GMB-team
The first projects with the Fraunhofer Institut für Mikrostructur von Werkstoffen und Systemen (Fraunhofer Institute for the Microstructure of Material and Systems) in Halle (Saale), Germany have been planned and will enable GMB Deutsche Magnetwerke GmbH to work on solutions to problems which have a high relevance for business and society both now and in the future.
14. November 2016 - CUSTOMER EVENT
On 14 November, a collaborative event hosted by GMB Deutsche Magnetwerke GmbH and the Fraunhofer Society with approx. 150 selected customers and guests from business, science, and politics will take place at our location in Bitterfeld. After some introductory words by the Minister President of the State of Saxony-Anhalt, Dr. Reiner Haselhoff and after a tour of the Chemical Industrial Park in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, our visitors will be able to find out about the variety of cooperation opportunities that will be available to them, as well as have the chance to watch a casting process whilst partaking of a delicious meal.
A comprehensive investment phase has been initiated for GMB Deutsche Magnetwerke. We are equipping our machine and production system park with a view to the technological challenges in the coming years.